3 ways to use myFacet5 with Teams

Article author
Rachel Scriven
  • Updated

Continue to build a culture of curiosity and individuality within teams. Humanize one another. And de-personalise the natural conflicts along the journey.

I started writing this one and found so much to say I needed to create 3 separate articles. So here is a sneak peak of each and the links to read a little more.


Share Profiles after a TeamScape Line Dance


A simple next step once you’ve shared your scores on the line, is to share your Profiles with each other. But rather than this being an email sent from the facilitator, coach or team leader, it’s nice to leave actions firmly in the hands of the team.

This gives a tangible, simple, collective action that builds a bit of momentum, signals active sharing and gives an easy way to revisit personalities and stay curious about each other.

Click here for a 2 minute read for how team sharing works




Use Spotlight Challenges to make Team Values Commitments


This idea came from our own recent and continual team development.

Following a values session, it can be a really tricky thing to channel and integrate this big thinking through into our nitty-gritty normal working world. But Spotlight provides each team member and focused and personalised challenge to move from broad concepts into a single individual commitment.

Here is a short personal example




Use Compare to change a conflict story between two people


The Compare features on myFacet5 lets two people see their profiles side by side. Their differences. Their different needs.

This can give people permission to get curious about someone else, instead of criticising or clashing with them. It helps you adjust not just your behaviour, but also your story. Realising other people’s actions are most often not something to take personally, and something you can talk about with them.

Let’s bring this to life with my very own profile, compared alongside my colleague and desk-neighbour.





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