Product Update: myFacet5 Interactive Qualities

Article author
Rachel Scriven
  • Updated

Did you know the qualities word cloud at the top of your myFacet5 dashboard is interactive?*


Hover over any quality - and you'll see that it's clickable.

Each word expands into a card that explains this brilliant quality and allows you to explore how
different scores might reflect a stretch or shift in that trait. 


It's as simple as it looks: 



*In fact, it has been for a little while - but it was quite easy to miss as you needed to click the Explore Button (or ★ on Mobile) to go through to the page where you could click to expand each word)



So now people coming into myFacet5 - for the first time or the 50th time - will easily see these qualities are for exploring 🔭 




Small things that make a difference. 

Rachel + Team 


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